This site serves as a free resource of chemistry for students.
Available for all chemistry students seeking homework help is a variety of tutorials, quizzes,
test and information to help with your chemistry learning needs.
July 20th, 2013: Slight Shuffle
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Basics, Chemistry Basics [Part II], Atoms, Stoichiometry,
States of Matter, Chemical
Reactions, Periodic Trends, Solutions, Gases, Thermochemistry, Kinetics, Spontaneity, Atomic
Structure and Periodicity, Nuclear Chemistry, Taking the AP Test
- Tests and Quizzes >
Science Olympiad Tests, Math
Basics Test, Chem Basics Test, Stoichiometry Test, Gases
Test, Thermochemistry Test, Spontaneity, Entropy, and Free Energy, Atomic Structure Test, Solutions Test, Nuclear
Chemistry Test, The Representative Elements: Groups 1A
through 4A
- Practice Problems
Basics, SI
Units/Conversions, Significant Figures, Percentages, Solutions, Gases, Kinetics, Spontaneity, Thermochemistry, Atomic
- Organic Chemistry
Introduction, Alkanes,
Alkenes, Dienes,
Alkynes, Alcohols, Aromatics, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic
Acids, Ethers, Amines, Magnetic stirrer, Final Practice
- Tools
Constants, Formulas, Glossary, Periodic Table, SI Units and Conversions, Thermodynamic Data
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